Privacy Statement

Your privacy will be guarded in the following ways:

  1. Access to the Growing Fruitful Disciples Inventory is limited to those who create their own username and password. 
  2. Individual reports are stored securely. Results can only be viewed by the individual entering their unique username and password.

What information is collected?

  1. For the purpose of continuing research, background information is requested when individual accounts are set up. This includes gender, age, country of citizenship, and religious affiliation. This data is stored confidentially and reported anonymously.
  2. Individuals have the option to enter a first name, nick name or other personally meaningful title for their report. Access to the report is limited to the individual who alone knows the meaning of the title entered.
  3. In order to provide help with lost/forgotten passwords, an email address is stored during the registration process online. This is not used for any other purpose, and is not linked to the Inventory responses available anonymously to the research team.