- Resources
- Tools for Teachers
Tools for Teachers
Growing Disciples Inventory Versions & Tools
- Growing Disciples Action Plan - action ideas
- Christian Spiritual Growth Plan - youth activity
- Growing Disciples Inventory (GDI)- short print version
TGFD Curriculum Model & Framework
- 2007 Growing Disciples Model Booklet
- 2008 Initial Curriculum Framework
- 2010 Together Growing Fruitful Disciples (TGFD) Framework
TGFD Published Articles
- Growing Fruitful Disciples Through Transformational Learning - Ministry article
- Journal of Adventist Education Summer 2012
- Building Bridges - Editorial
- Building Bridges - A Pastor and a Teacher Dialogue about Discipleship
- A Biblical Foundation for Integrating Faith and Learning
- A Model for Discipleship - Together Growing Fruitful Disciples
- Together Growing Fruitful Disciples Framework
- The Growing Disciples Inventory - Tools & Ideas for Assessing Spiritual Growth
- A Collision of Faith - Church, Home, and School
- Teachers as Disciple-Makers in the Classroom
- Discipleship - The Reinventing of Adventist Higher Education
- Designing Discipling Guides - Theology and Teaching/Learning Principles Working Together
Discipleship Websites
- Disciple Tree
- Kids in Discipleship
- Discipleship Tools
- iFollow - faith maturity assessment, discipleship lessons and books